The Bloody bandages associated with bloodletting inspired the red and white stripes ,while the barber pole itself symbolises an instrument people gripped onto during the procedure to encourage blood flow.Barbers would place the barber pole to let customers know they were open for business.
The role of barbers has evolved a lot over the years since then. before the 1800s they also acted as surgeons!
the "Father of Modern Surgery" Ambroise Pare, was actually a barber,too!
*Surgery was banned in a lot of place going to the barber was a lot more secretive and dangerous back in the days.
Barber shops were effectively the gossip mills and communal place to relax for men .
Barbering has been considered highly developed art, since the golden age. roughly in the 500-300s BC.
Barbers have been part of life for Millennia with them even begin featured in ancient Egyptian tombs paintings the oldest replica of a razor we have ever found was also an Egyptian tomb dating them at over 6,000 years old. barbers often held a role as priests, and their primary duty was believed to be fighting off evil spirits by trimming beards and hair, as the Egyptians believed that spirits could enter the body through hair, making the act of cutting it a protective measure. barbers were highly respected within the community.
Arizona Men’s Grooming located at 10810 N Tatum Blvd Ste 118 Phoenix Arizona 85028
In the hart of Paradise Valley Market Place.Between Trader Joe’s & Whole Foods Market.Just a few doors North of O.H.S.O Brewery. A .M. G Hair Cuts, Barber Shop Open 7 days a week.
Call 623-227-8426 for more info.
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